Friday, June 29, 2012


"Now I would say, to understand the detachment of Spirit we should study ourselves very well, clearly - "How are we attached?" We are attached, firstly, by our brain. Mostly by our brain. Because all our conditionings are in our brain and all of our ego is also in our brain. So emotional attachments are through our brain and all our conditionings are in our brain and all of our ego is also in our brain. So emotional attachments are through our brain and all our egoistical attachments also are through our brain. That's why it is said that after Realization one must try to practice the Shiva –Tattwa by practising detachment."

Pandharpur, India. February 29, 1984.

Because Shiva is nothing but love. He's love that corrects, that nourishes, that wants your benevolence. That's what Shiva is. It wants your benevolence. It looks after you benevolence. So when you are looking after the benevolence of others with love, then the whole life changes, the whole pattern changes, and you really enjoy it because you become one with so many, concerned with so many families, so many things, so many problems of others. You just feel you are one with so many.

Shri Shiva Puja, Italy 1991